Selected Publications

Model Averaging for Nonlinear Regression Models

Yang Feng, Qingfeng Liu, Qingsong Yao and Guoqing Zhao

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Forthcoming.

On the sparsity of Mallows model averaging estimator

Yang Feng, Qingfeng Liu, Ryo Okui

JEconomics Letters, Volume 187,2020, 108916.

Matlab code for CD-MMA

Generalized Least Squares Model Averaging

Qingfeng Liu, Ryo Okui and Arihiro Yoshimura (2016)

Econometric Reviews, 35(8-10):1692-1752.

Matlab code for GLSMA

Heteroscedasticity-Robust Cp Model Averaging

Qingfeng Liu and Ryo Okui (2013)

Econometrics Journal, 16(3): 463-472.

Matlab code for HRCp

Asymptotic Theory for Difference-based Estimator of Partially Linear Models (in Japanese)

Qingfeng Liu (2010-03)

Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 39(1): 393-406.

Maximum Empirical Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-time Models with Conditional Characteristic Functions

Qingfeng Liu and Yoshihiko Nishiyama (2008-07)

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 78(2-3): 341-350.

Efficient Estimation and Model Selection for Grouped Data with Local Moments

Kohtaro Hitomi, Qingfeng Liu, Yoshihiko Nishiyama and Naoya Sueishi (2008-06)

Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 38(1): 131-143.

A Modified GARCH Model with Spells of Shocks

Qingfeng Liu and Kimio Morimune (2005-03)

Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 12(1): 29-44.